Pharm Access

This year, PharmAccess Group, the non-profit organization that connects people to better care in sub-Saharan Africa, marks its 20 years anniversary. On this occasion, we speak with key stakeholders in the health sector in Ghana to discuss the status of the sector, the progress made, and challenges to overcome. And we ask them: what is their commitment for next year to make big strides in improving healthcare?


Today: Dr. Philip Bannor, Managing Director of the Health Facilities Regulatory Agency (HeFRA).


When it comes to our health, we all want to know how and where we can receive the best possible care. According to Dr. Bannor, the Managing Director of HeFRA, the healthcare regulatory body of Ghana, it’s a point where Ghana still has room for improvement. The problem he says, stems from the lack of a singular national system that assesses all health care providers through the same set of standards. This leaves citizens choosing their doctors based on advertisements rather than data.


Dr. Bannor is both dedicated, and well positioned, to address this problem though. Prior to opening a health facility in Ghana, the HeFRA is required to carry out an inspection and provide a license confirming the facility reaches all safety and quality requirements. They also inspect the availability of certified staff and ensure that everyone who operates medical equipment has the necessary license. HeFRA, therefore, plays a key role in establishing a health system in Ghana that is well-functioning and safe for those that visit or work in health facilities.


In order to provide the public with objective information, Dr. Bannor and the HeFRA need data. 

In March last year, to help manage and collect that vital data, HeFRA launched a Mobile Online Information System (MOIS). Among other things, this platform collects and organizes information on every step of the inspection to license pipeline. 


"I don't know where I would be without data," says Dr. Bannor. "We would never want to go back to the slow, paper-based system of the past." Soon, the HeFRA hopes to integrate information systems with other health and government agencies, further expanding its potential.


 "Whether you are dealing with diabetes, cardiac issues, or search for an obstetrician," Dr. Bannor says, "you need access to objective information on where to find the true expert." Once this information becomes publicly available, Dr. Bannor thinks competition will increase, and the level of care will improve alongside it. 


One area where we have already seen the value of data has been throughout the Covid crisis. Dr. Bannor said that they have already been surprised by some of the data collected so far. For example, during the height of the pandemic in Ghana, they expected an increase in demand for hospital resources. In reality, however, there was actually a decrease. The HeFRA found through their collection of data that many people were avoiding or postponing visits to hospitals and clinics. "That is why you need data," says Dr. Bannor, “to inform the government of what they need to do.”


Apart from digitalization, data collection, and access to information, Dr. Bannor has worked vigorously to make the organization more efficient and reduce bottlenecks. The HeFRA regulates over 50,000 facilities in the country, and until a few years ago, much of the work and decision-making was concentrated between their head office and a few smaller regional offices. In order to improve the workflow and provide more support and quicker turn arounds for doctors and patients, Dr. Bannor opened additional regional offices and decentralized its decision-making process. With more eyes and ears in the field, monitoring becomes more manageable, limited resources are spent more effectively, and communication lines are shortened. Dr. Bannor also worked on formalizing and harmonizing assessment standards that were used by different health bodies in the country. 


PharmAccess supported his 'efficiency journey' with a detailed management review, evaluating whether management systems were performing as intended and producing the desired results as efficiently as possible. "A tedious job, for which we are very thankful," says Dr. Bannor. 


Looking at the future, Dr. Banner hopes that Ghana will soon be able to match its demand for health care with quality providers. "Imagine you are struggling with mental health issues, and you feel that no-one is taking care of you at a moment you really need it,” says Dr. Bannor. “It means you will lose the trust in the system." To solve this, he says it's time to broaden the availability of care by giving more leeway to the private sector. "The private sector can fill a gap and help us, ensuring that people do not have to wait long to receive care. But evidently, quality assessments remain critical, and we need to assess private facilities with the same standards as used in the public sector."


This year Dr. Banner is planning to finish his 'decentralization journey' making sure that the regional offices can provide support by monitoring other facilities in the region. He says he plans to continue improving processes where he can, and looks forward to a continued partnership with PharmAccess. A name that according to him is, “strongly linked to quality, and access to quality care.” According to Dr. Banner, “PharmAccess engages and partners with the right stakeholders, helping us to achieve our goal of access to quality of care in Ghana."


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